
Sunday, August 1, 2010


Improve your listening and speaking skills:

Preparing for IELTS means improving our English skills.We listen to English at least somewhere during the day even if English is not the First Language in our country so why not make the most of it. Everyday learning, as emphasized before, must not be ignored and certainly goes a long way when it comes to improving our English Language skills. Here is one of the many ways you can improve your English listening and speaking skills through simple everyday enjoyable practice:

Like Movies? We all do. When you have finished watching a movie, do you like talking to a friend or family member about what the story was about, how awesome the hero was or how cool the stunts were, etc. etc? If you do, try discussing it in English. You will have a good set of words to use which you have just listened in the movie or more appropriately acquired in the movie, so use them. Don't worry initially about making mistakes, with time your expression, fluency and grammar will improve. Don't feel embarrassed if you are making mistakes, we all make mistakes even native English speakers can sometimes make small mistakes because to err is human! So don't hold back and give it a try!

If you are not comfortable talking to a friend in English (just yet) then grab a recorder or use the voice recorder in your cell phone and record all you saw in the movie, how you felt, how you were influenced, did you enjoy or were bored and what improvements could have been made in the movie. Save the recording and listen to it. You can retain the recording and compare it with new ones as you record more of your experiences and you will see that your speech, expression and fluency will get a good boost just after a few times! How easy and effective is that? You have nothing to lose in trying this technique so why not get started and grab your favourite movie as soon as you get some spare time! :)


  1. A high score represents a high level of proficiency; a low score shows a lower level.IELTS is an exam designed for people of any level to take. It gives a result which does not show a pass/fail according to a certain standard, but rather shows your current level in different areas

    ielts learning essay

